Tuesday 25 March 2014

P4, P5: Logo development

I had to create a logo for my game. To do this I followed a design process, which took 4 stages. I started by drafting out 14 logo's, so that I could get feedback about which one I should use for my game. I created a google survey so that I could get feedback on my ideas and choose which one I should use. Bellow you can see screenshots of my survey and the results that I got from it.

From these results, I chose to base my logo off of my first two draft ideas. I then created a logo on Photoshop, so that I could get more feedback from my peers in order to improve my logo further. Bellow you can see my first logo, and the feedback I received for it.

I asked my peer Marcus Harrop for feedback on my logo. He said 'The kaiju animal at the front looks out of place. This is because of the pixels at the bottom of the image being very sliced off. Also this is because the kaiju hasn't been edited to fit in the circle. The 'KC' writing at the top of the logo is quite blocky but also quite small which gives off a very nasty effect'.

I took this feedback into consideration, and completely removed the dinosaur from the logo. I also make the logo look pixelated rather than blurry, as well as making the writing much bigger in order to make my logo much simpler, the finished result can be seen bellow, along with a download link.

Download link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7ZemmqjP5xfMjBwcWlLeWIxbVk/edit?usp=sharing

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