After doing some research, I realised that it was very going to be very complicated to create, and was also going to be challenging to find the pictures that I would need to create the poster. Taking this into consideration, I changed my idea so that it would be easier to create.
I came up with the idea (seen bellow) of my kaiju climbing around London tower bridge firing a laser and making an explosion. In the feedback I received for this, my peers said that 'you should add some text to tell us what the title of your game it and make it so that the laser can actually be seen'.
I took this feedback into consideration and created my final version of my poster that can be seen below. The feedback that I received for this was 'you should add in your main character so that people will know who they are playing as in the game'. I decided not to implement this feedback as it would take the realism away from the poster it self.